1:1 Technology

In 2017 we made laptops available for shared classroom use. We began procuring Chromebooks in 2018 to increase the number of devices available to students, and to replace laptops as they expired. We procured additional Chromebooks so that in 2019, for the first time, we had as many devices as students on campus. We purchased Chromebooks to replace expiring hardware and management licenses in 2020 along with new laptops necessary for teachers completing STEM teacher certification. Thanks to strategic use of federal and state grant awards in conjunction with a grant from the Angel Fire Community Foundation, we have increased student access to remote learning technology. We outfitted a computer science lab with a 3D printer, hardware, and software necessary for application development, memory, and network safety. In 2021 we continued to procure chromebooks to replace expiring hardware, with additional Chromebooks for backup given the remote learning environment. We also procured hotspots for students and teachers to assist with remote learning needs.

MVHS 1:1 Technology
  • Students may bring personal electronic devices to school. However, electronic devices may not be used in a classroom without the explicit permission of the teacher. Students must turn cell phones off and put them away, unless otherwise instructed to have them out by their teacher.